Jennifer Langman!
Jennifer was one of the five finalists that the jury pushed over to for the public to vote on... and you chose her above the rest. She's your Analog Ambassador!
A bit about Jennifer in her own words:
"I'm just a girl living in a digital world trying to find her analog roots once again. Creative, daring, and a little weird with an eye for all things photographable - focusing on landscapes, live music and surreal & dreamy concepts. Living & rockin' daily in the great city of Cleveland, Ohio."
Check out the submission that won her a free Holga!
Jennifer has been a photographer for quite a while, but used mostly 35mm and Polaroid before she received her Holga. Her first official Analog Ambassador post is full of great information and some before and after examples of her slight post processing. Check it out! She talks about using curves to correct the contrast in some of her photos, this is quite similar to the adjustments I covered using Levels in a previous blog post. is an awesome mail-order photo lab that still processes all kinds of film! is an awesome mail-order photo lab that still processes all kinds of film!